Well, it has been a while I just dont feel like posting lately... I know once the kids are bigger I will regret it but for now I am so tired and seems to have so much going on. Well, I am needing to vent some
Why cant people just live their lives and not worry about other peoples... I mean I am a wife to Nicholas and very happy being this and a mommy to out three B's and I could ask for anything more.. Some people I think hate that they cant feel this way so they try and hurt us, well I dont think it will work, or tonight I am praying to the Lord that we dont let this crap hurt our amazing family. I just wanna cry sitting here right now... I feel like that is the only way I will feel better. I have noone I can call and talk to and damn it its getting old and really sucks....
I long to have that one friend that I do everything with and tell everything too.... ok well I am done being a whiny baby..
So My Three B's are wild and just wonderful..
Braxton was out of school for several days cause of snow and I enjoyed the time we got to spend with him, I am sure that Brennon enjoyed him being here the most. I look forward to picking him up from school so he can tell me how his day went and what all he has done... He is doing great in school and I know he is ready to get out in May... We signed him up for coach pitch baseball and I am worried and hoping everything goes good. This will be his 1st year to play so this is why I am kinda worried. I know everything will work out..
Brennon is most def my wild child..... Crazy is the one word I would use for him... But we love it cause he is his own self and thats awesome. He really misses his big brother while he is at school, he can not wait till it is time for us to go and pick Big brother up from school... We also signed Ben up for tee-ball. This will be his 1st year playing too but this is the 1st year he can play... I think he will have a blast... I am ready for all this to start. I know with Nick working I will be busy...
Brooklyn is such a big now.. She is getting around very well and I am happy cause I dont have to hold or carry her as much. She is getting some of her back teeth so kinda fussy and has had a fever. Right now she also has a rash all over her whole body, I am kinda waiting till tomorrow and see what she looked like to see if we will make a dr appt. She loves playing in the boys room, and I get a huge smile on my face when I see all three of them together.
So, me and Nick have been married for 6 years on the 7th of this month... Yeah so with everything that is being said right now things seem kinda different between us but we are good... I cant believe how fast these 6 years have flown by... Three kids later.... So there is our update and I hope everyone has a great rest of the week.... Praise Jesus for everything he has given me and my family....