The Parker's Labor Day 2010 was calm and we did nothing at all. Sunday we day a busy day but other than that we did nothing but enjoy time at home. Sunday we went to church that morning and this was the 1st time I had took the kids with me to this new church I started going to.Here the boys before we left the house!!!

Me and Nicks mom have been going for three weeks and really love it. The kids most Saturaday nights spend the night with Nicks dad and they take them to church with them Sunday morning so me and Nicks mom just go to church together. I use to go to use where Nicks dad goes but I am so happy at the new church. It is a bigger church but I am ok with that. They have so much for my kids to do and get involved with. I really can not wait. Well, most of the morning before church while I was getting ready and getting them all ready I was worried cause they really have only been to that one church and Nicks dad is over the nursery so they all just stay with him. So I was upset cause they all were going to have to go into different classes and with all new people they knew no one. (I am always worried about this because I know how I felt and really how I still feel going somewhere where I dont know anyone. I am like a social werido) Anyways all morning being worried I just had to keep praying. And once the nicest lady showed use where each of there classes were, 1st we took Brooklyn AWESOME. She just walked right in the room and said I play. I mean really this is my tiny baby girl. I was sad she didnt cry after Mommy. But then again I was so happy. Then it was Brennon which just right across the hall from Brooklyn's class room, I liked that. Brennon went and sat down on the rug with the rest of the kids and I said love you and have fun. That is it for him and now for Braxton we had to go upstairs... I was ok with him going cause he leaves me everyday for school... Ummm no he was the one that almost cried and hurt me the most.. I told him where we were going the he went in. I hurt I wanted to cry. I know I know I really baby my kids. But they are my everything my whole world. Well after we dropped all three kids off we were walking back downstairs and the lady showing us where the classes were invited us to a picnic that afternoon. Then we went to service. I really feel bad now cause I dont think I remember anything from the message. I was worried about my kids. And I was so ready to go back and get all three of them. Well, Braxton 1st and he said he had a good time, then I got Brennon and Nicks mom got Brooklyn. Brennon made a cute picture and got a acorn and he was so excited and Brooke comes walking out like she owns the place and she also had a paper plate that she had made. I WAS THE MOST EXCITED MOMMY THERE
I am pretty sure I was compare that to Braxtons 1st day of Kindergarten. I am really not sure why it got to me so much but it did and now I cant wait to take them back. So we went and ate at McDonalds right afterand here is Miss Prissy playing

After we ate we came back home so I could get some sleep, you know working 3rd shift gets to u when u got things you need to do during the day and I should be sleep cause I have to work again that night. Anyways, I set my alarm so I could get up and we could go to the picnic. At the picnic they roped off the parking lot so kids could bring riding toys and play. We took Braxton bike and Brennon a tricycicle and Brooke one as well even thou she cant ride it. The kids had a blast. Finally time to eat and we all ate and then the boys played some more then it was time to leave. Poor Brooke didnt wanna leave. While we were eating there was a man sitting in front of us (me, Braxton, Brennon, Brooklyn and Becky (Nicks mom)) and he just kept telling me how good my kids were. I am pretty sure I felt so amazing. I was so so proud of my wonderful kiddos. Then it was back home to wind down for the night. So, needless to say we have a pretty awesome Sunday. Then Monday Labor day we didnt do anything since I had worked the night before and really layed around most of the time. So I hope everyone had a blessed Labor day weekend. This week we have no plans at all. Braxton is out of school today too for Labor day, so we will just enjoy our time together. Well, me and Nick both will be working..... God Bless