
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kinda Jealous

The title says alot but not really, I am real jealous... And about what you are asking.... Nick got shoert term Friday from work.. You know that means he doesnt have to work for 4 weeks and still gets paid 100%. For real I am super jealous of him. I am still working and have to keep working. Well I am very thankful cause he is helping me with the kids and I get tons of more sleep cause I am not having to get up with the kids after he would leave for work. Things like that, I am so thankful for cause it is really hard working 3rd shift and then having tog et up during the day with kids. Plus he said that he would get stuff done around the house while he is off. That alone excites me... I get help with the kids plus housework. I am not sure if it gets any better than that ;)
Well, we had a sickness around here. Poor baby girl and here is the story on that
last Saturday we had the boys birthday party at our house and Nicks dad and step mom took Brooke with them when they left and she spent the night. Sunday I went to his church to pick her up after I took the boys to toys r us so they could spend their birthday money. Anyways his dad told me that sissy got fish hooked... I was like do what, he then told me that she got a metal hanger stuck in her mouth.. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!
right that is what u are saying right now, yeah that is what I was saying too. Anyways she was real fussy when we got home and I thought she was really sleepy so I gave her a bath and off to bed she went, then the next morning she had a fever and she face was kinda swollen. I gave her meds for fever and it would go down but as soon as meds wore off it would come back. Tuesday she woke up and her face was really swollen, so I called the dr and got her a appt. When we got there she was ok but still not feeling good at all. Had a fever of 100.8 which was lower than it had been so that was good but still a fever. Dr came in and we talked I told her everything. Brooke hadnt been eating and with the swelling I thought it was from the hanger thing. Well, dr told me that she said a infection in her mouth so they put her on meds and the next two days were awful, for us taking care of her and lord I know for her was really bad.. Poor baby cause I couldnt help her at all. Friday she seemed to feel some better but still not alot. then Saturday she was almost normal but we are still giving her the meds till next Friday.. So hoping she is getting back to normal. That was the sickest she has ever been. So if you could pray for her to keep getting better and back to her normal self that would be awesome. Well, this weekend the boys went to spend the night with Nicks dad and I am praying they come back home later today, safe and healthy. They will go to church with him and we will go to our church. I am missing them like crazy. But I know they are having a blast and just LOVE going to Papa's.
Other than that I guess we have nothing new going on around here. Except DADDY IS GOING TO BE HOME WITH US!!!!!! YAY we are all real excited :)
 Have a blessed Sunday and give thanks......

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cant sleep

I am posting this from my phone.. Just testing the new app I got, try and update later. Alot happening around here. Please pray for Brooklyn she is real sick and has been since Sunday and is not getting any better. Most likely taken her back to dr tomorrow.. So will update tomorrow night...

3 B's Mommy

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome Fall

I am so excited that Fall is finally here. Fall baseball has started so that is keeping us busy very Tuesday and Thursday night. And yesterday we had the boys a birthday party... So, we have been pretty busy.....
I am ready for a break and do nothing at all. First off I wanna say that working third shift is no fun at all.
*** guessing u can tell that I am working right now and would much rather be sleeping... But oh well I am getting paid to Blog, now that awesome. So, yesterday the boys party turned out great. And then today I took them to Toys R Us so they each could pick out a toy with their birthday money. Braxton and a huge nerf gun and Brennon and a spiderman web car. And I was so ready to get out of there. We walked around that store for like 30 mins, awful... I was just letting me do their thing. They loved it, and that is all that matters. Well, here are a few pictures from the birthday party
                                     Waiting to blow out his candles
                                       Cant get enough of that smile      
                      And finally getting to blow the candles out
                              one of Brooklyn's best friends, Abbie
                            And Brooklyn's other best friend Caitlyn
                                                  And the Princess herself
                                      My best friends little man Nate
I want to put my baby under this one, but cant cause look at him not a baby anymore

*** guessing u can tell that I am working right now and would much rather be sleeping... But oh well I am getting paid to Blog, now that awesome. So, yesterday the boys party turned out great. And then today I took them to Toys R Us so they each could pick out a toy with their birthday money. Braxton and a huge nerf gun and Brennon and a spiderman web car. And I was so ready to get out of there. We walked around that store for like 30 mins, awful... I was just letting me do their thing. They loved it, and that is all that matters. Well, here are a few pictures from the birthday party.