We have been so busy that I have not had time to blog, I usually sit down right before I go to bed or while I am in the bed and blog about our day but that has been hard since as soon as I get in the bed I am out so sleepy.. So, I had to take time today and sit down and do a post. Today here is really nasty and rainy :( But I guess that will give me time to get things done around the house. Well Easter around here was awesome... The kids got new pillow pets from the bunny man himself. Braxton got a turtle Brennon got a frog and Brooklyn got a bunny. After that we all got ready for church and I failed cause I didnt get a picture of the kids and after church we went to Nicks dads house and ate lunch and they had a Easter egg hunt for the kids. Then it was back home for a nap then we enjoyed our night outside playing baseball and just hanging out. The day before it was so pretty outside and we knew we wanted to do something fun with the kids but couldnt figure out what so near where we live there is a damn called Walter Hill so we took the kids there and let them play and they had a blast. Then we all went to lunch then back home. So, we had a GREAT weekend... Yesterday was normal I had some housework done then it was off to the baseball fields. And that is pretty much what our week looks like.. BASEBALL. But with it raining today, they will call off tonights game. Then we should have games on Thursday, Friday two games Saturday then a make-up game on Sunday.. Yes that is when you know it is summer time and baseball season cause we live at the ball fields. But my boys love it so that is all that matters. I guess that is about all we have done so I will post some pictures and then get some laundry done... Have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday!!!!!
My babies at Papa's house
Tinsley (my brothers baby girl)
Best Friends
Braxton getting ready to bat
at choir practice at church