I hope everyone had a great Easter. I know we did and the Easter bunny was a hit around the Parker house as always. Both the boys got new fishing poles and Brooklyn got her favorite a lalaloopsy doll... And lots of candy... I am sad I didnt get any pictures of the kids with their gifts because my battery was dead on the camera :( Later that day Nick took kids fishing and they loved ever second of that then back home to play with our neighbors grandkids. All that while mommy cleaned out closets putting up winter clothes and getting out all our summer stuff... Then Monday was game day, it was the 1st game of the season for all three kids, they all were so excited they couldnt wait till 6 to get here. Brooklyn didnt get to play cause the other team never showed up :( I was sad cause all the kids were so excited to play but we will try again on Thursday. Then the boys played at the same time. Nick is pitching for Brennon's team so was at his game and me and Brooklyn went to Braxtons and watched Brennon some when we could. Braxton's team did win but I was so proud of Braxton as always. And Brennon's team won and he played great too and loved seeing him so happy cause he won.... The Friday night before Easter the Lions club in our town had a princess ball, and since Brooklyn was 9 months old she has went with her Papa and she loves this time with him. And this year since she was older she enjoyed the most.... have a great week and I will get pictures of kiddos on their next games and post about them...
Brooklyn at Brennon 's class Easter egg hunt
Brennon with all his eggs at his class egg hunt
Braxton trying to find the eggs for his class
I love my daddy THIS BIG
Brooklyn and her date for the night Papa
Brooklyn and her friends Delaney and Emily
Mommy's princess ready to dance the night away
My babies ready for their first game of the season