Well I am very happy to say that things are very close to normal around here. We have been in the new house for 3 weeks and we are loving every sec of it here. We are in the country and no one is around us.. Braxton has started his new school and he has the best teacher ever.. We love Mrs. Jessica... And I think a plus to being in Cannon County schools is Braxtons granny is the Director of schools....
So what we have been up too here, well I am really just being lazy, I am so tired from all the moving and now I am enjoying just sitting around doing nothing. Nick still working 4 10 hour days and yep I am still not liking it... I want him home with us here, we never see him and it is starting to get to me..... I miss him more and more every day... And on his 3 days off from Verizon he is having to work with his daddy... I miss the days when he had a normal Mon-Fri 8-5 job.... We done so much as a family and I miss those days so much... But also I keep telling myself that we should be thankful that he has a good job and he is able to get up and go.... And dont get me wrong I am very thankful every sec of everyday for what God has blessed me and my family with. Well, now on to Brennon he is THREE now... He had a wonderful Spongebob party and he got lots of cool toys and he is loving them... He is getting so big he wants to do whatever Braxton does and I love watching them play together.... and Brooklyn little miss thang. She is good getting bigger everyday I think. She is still doing her own thing. She really does not want to start walking and we are just like she will walk when she wants too.. On her own time I guess. We have all hardwood floors in the new house so she has a walker and she is getting everywhere so she is happy with that... I am guessing that is it for now and here are some pictures... God Bless and hope everyone has a wonderful hump day....
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