
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ah I said I was going to post again with what we were going to be doing and here I am.... I think I am getting into a routine and praying that I keep it up ;)
Well, Saturday we had a super busy day... I get off work at 630am so I knew we had plans so I didn't even try and go to bed I just stayed up and by 8am we had to head out the our Lions Club for a pancake breakfast with Papa {Nicks Dad} and when we got there, the kids got a surprise not only was Papa eating breakfast with us so was Santa and his wife... They were there and the boys could not believe it... It was awesome seeing the look on both of the boys face. And Brooklyn on the other hand umm yeah not a fan of Santa... So after we ate the boys went over to tell Santa what they were wanting him to bring them and I told sissy to go over there since "her boys" (this is what she tells everyone and walks around saying where my boys :)\  but she start screaming she was not liking it at all, she was screaming no mommy I need my Papa... So I went over there with her and Nick came along too. So yes we got a family picture with Santa... Again this year... Oh the joys of being a mommy.... And while I was still holding her she still was not liking being anywhere near him.. So after the picture was taken yes she went running to her Papa.... I looked at the picture and even thou we had to get in the picture it turned out awesome .. And then it was time to go so we went to Nicks dads house cause the day before they killed a pig and were making sausage... Yes yes nasty but he sells it and makes alot of money off of it... And man it sure is good as well.... we did that for almost 3 hours then it was time for what the boys had been waiting for... THE CHRISTMAS PARADE!!!!!
So we went downtown and waiting for a few mins then it came and the kids had a blast and I was a happy mommy seeing them running after candy and waving at all the people.. Priceless... Then yes I am still going at 1pm with NO SLEEP... My brothers wife was having her baby shower.. This was the 3rd time we have tried to have her a shower the 2 times before didn't ever work out cause at 25 weeks pregnant she was leaking fluid so they out her int he hospital for 5 days and watched her and baby Tinsley very close and after that they said that where she was leaking from had stopped and closed its self back up which was awesome news so they sent her home on strict bed rest..... So she is 28 weeks pregnant and we are just waiting now... Any ways so we finally had her aby shower at her house since she was on bed rest and it went great for who all got to come and finally at 5pm the hubby and kids were able to come and pick me up... And needless to say this Mommy was so past sleepy... We came right home and I went nowhere but right into my bed.... Well, that how our weekend went... We had a blast and are loving the holidays!!!!!

And here we are with the big man and his wife
Chrsitmas 2010

Mom stop with all the pictures
pretty sure it doesnt get any cuter than this
This is Brennon waiting on Braxton to start singing for his
class room Christmas play at school
And Brooklyn waiting on her Bubba but ready for it to
be over so she could run around
Here is Braxton with his 1st grade class singing at the
Christmas play
                                                        Daddy and Brooklyn hanging out waiting for
                                                                the parade to come thru
Love this big guy so much
makes me sad seeing how big he is getting
Here is Braxton at the Parade

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Kinda late

I dont really think I have a excuse for not posting in such a long time. I have been sick and have not been working that much until tonight. Well, I always get on here and tell myself ok so this is what you have to look back on later once ur babies get bigger. I have to get better at this stuff :)
Well, Halloween was great, we had two boys that were Transformers and Minnie Mouse... So freakin cute!!!
From the looks of that picture you can tell that we had a wonderful Halloween
And now to Thanksgiving.... I mean I couldnt be more Thankful for the amazing family God has blessed me with.. Nicholas is the best husband I could ever have dreamed of having and the Lord is letting me be the mother to three wonderful perfect children... I am not sure it gets any better than this.... I am so very thankful!!!!
And can you all believe that Christmas is almost here... I can not. We do have our tree and stockings up and cant wait to see the fat man in the red suit ;)
I have a exciting day planned with my family today so I will def be posting about it tonight, so look for that one :) have a wonderful Saturday and God Bless each of you!! also I have a wonderful school update coming soon

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I dont have that much time cause I thought things with Traci were crazy... It didnt stop there, yesterday afternoon I got a call from my brother telling me that his wife which is 26 weeks pregnant her water had broke... So is it me and babies at 26 weeks or what... Well, I have not seen Anna since she was born and aww how I miss those tiny little hands... And her mommy I cant even tell you how I want to be there for her 24/7 I wish I could just stay with her all the time. But cant happen I have my babies to take care of too so trying to balance everything. Last night I was at hospital with sister n law and brother I am fixing to take a nap cause thru out all the madness I have been real sick and yesterday went to dr and I have broncitics (ms)
so I am not feeling good at all so naptime for mommy and Brooklyn... Boys with daddy at Papa's house. Also my brother has a little boy that is 5 years old so he has been with us and man 4 kids is rough. But keep praying Traci's bllod pressure is real high and that is making her not be able to meet her baby girl so keep praying for both mom and baby. Anna had a blood transfusion and done great after that. She is holding her down in the nicu but had such a long long road ahead.. But with all the prayers everything is going to work out in Gods perfect way....
So prayer request still for Traci and baby Anna and also my sister n law April and baby Tinsley

Thursday, November 18, 2010

prayers needed

Baby Anna Jane McKee was born today at 26 weeks... She came into this world only weighing 1lb and 14ozs. She was needing a blood transfusion right after birth. Other than that they are just waiting to see how thing start to go. This is my best friends baby and I am trying to get this out and let the world know. We need all you prayer warriors out there on this little girl. I know the Lord has his hand on her and he knows what he has in store for this tiny child of his... I praise and thank him so tiny joy the blessed us with... So please pass this along and tell everyone you know please please....
PS as of now Anna is stable and so is mom (Traci)  is a real bad diabetic and she had high blood pressure, lots of fluid on her and it had no where to go so was going into her lungs and she was going into kidney failure.  So after a month in the hospital the dr knew it was best for mommy so baby Anna is here..
I am going to try and get some sleep after no sleep for going on 48 hrs.. Will keep this blog updated so please check back and please please PRAY!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cant believe it is already time for Christmas cards

It will be here before you know it. Time to send out christmas cards. And shutterfly is having a awesome promo for blogger... I am super excited after looking thru all there cards. They are giving us 50 FREE cards. So please go and check it out

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kinda Jealous

The title says alot but not really, I am real jealous... And about what you are asking.... Nick got shoert term Friday from work.. You know that means he doesnt have to work for 4 weeks and still gets paid 100%. For real I am super jealous of him. I am still working and have to keep working. Well I am very thankful cause he is helping me with the kids and I get tons of more sleep cause I am not having to get up with the kids after he would leave for work. Things like that, I am so thankful for cause it is really hard working 3rd shift and then having tog et up during the day with kids. Plus he said that he would get stuff done around the house while he is off. That alone excites me... I get help with the kids plus housework. I am not sure if it gets any better than that ;)
Well, we had a sickness around here. Poor baby girl and here is the story on that
last Saturday we had the boys birthday party at our house and Nicks dad and step mom took Brooke with them when they left and she spent the night. Sunday I went to his church to pick her up after I took the boys to toys r us so they could spend their birthday money. Anyways his dad told me that sissy got fish hooked... I was like do what, he then told me that she got a metal hanger stuck in her mouth.. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!
right that is what u are saying right now, yeah that is what I was saying too. Anyways she was real fussy when we got home and I thought she was really sleepy so I gave her a bath and off to bed she went, then the next morning she had a fever and she face was kinda swollen. I gave her meds for fever and it would go down but as soon as meds wore off it would come back. Tuesday she woke up and her face was really swollen, so I called the dr and got her a appt. When we got there she was ok but still not feeling good at all. Had a fever of 100.8 which was lower than it had been so that was good but still a fever. Dr came in and we talked I told her everything. Brooke hadnt been eating and with the swelling I thought it was from the hanger thing. Well, dr told me that she said a infection in her mouth so they put her on meds and the next two days were awful, for us taking care of her and lord I know for her was really bad.. Poor baby cause I couldnt help her at all. Friday she seemed to feel some better but still not alot. then Saturday she was almost normal but we are still giving her the meds till next Friday.. So hoping she is getting back to normal. That was the sickest she has ever been. So if you could pray for her to keep getting better and back to her normal self that would be awesome. Well, this weekend the boys went to spend the night with Nicks dad and I am praying they come back home later today, safe and healthy. They will go to church with him and we will go to our church. I am missing them like crazy. But I know they are having a blast and just LOVE going to Papa's.
Other than that I guess we have nothing new going on around here. Except DADDY IS GOING TO BE HOME WITH US!!!!!! YAY we are all real excited :)
 Have a blessed Sunday and give thanks......

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cant sleep

I am posting this from my phone.. Just testing the new app I got, try and update later. Alot happening around here. Please pray for Brooklyn she is real sick and has been since Sunday and is not getting any better. Most likely taken her back to dr tomorrow.. So will update tomorrow night...

3 B's Mommy

Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome Fall

I am so excited that Fall is finally here. Fall baseball has started so that is keeping us busy very Tuesday and Thursday night. And yesterday we had the boys a birthday party... So, we have been pretty busy.....
I am ready for a break and do nothing at all. First off I wanna say that working third shift is no fun at all.
*** guessing u can tell that I am working right now and would much rather be sleeping... But oh well I am getting paid to Blog, now that awesome. So, yesterday the boys party turned out great. And then today I took them to Toys R Us so they each could pick out a toy with their birthday money. Braxton and a huge nerf gun and Brennon and a spiderman web car. And I was so ready to get out of there. We walked around that store for like 30 mins, awful... I was just letting me do their thing. They loved it, and that is all that matters. Well, here are a few pictures from the birthday party
                                     Waiting to blow out his candles
                                       Cant get enough of that smile      
                      And finally getting to blow the candles out
                              one of Brooklyn's best friends, Abbie
                            And Brooklyn's other best friend Caitlyn
                                                  And the Princess herself
                                      My best friends little man Nate
I want to put my baby under this one, but cant cause look at him not a baby anymore

*** guessing u can tell that I am working right now and would much rather be sleeping... But oh well I am getting paid to Blog, now that awesome. So, yesterday the boys party turned out great. And then today I took them to Toys R Us so they each could pick out a toy with their birthday money. Braxton and a huge nerf gun and Brennon and a spiderman web car. And I was so ready to get out of there. We walked around that store for like 30 mins, awful... I was just letting me do their thing. They loved it, and that is all that matters. Well, here are a few pictures from the birthday party.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Braxton Sean Parker

Here is the birthday boy the morning of his 6th birthday

I cant not even begin to type this... My baby, 1st born is already 6 years old. That makes me so so sad. But I am one so proud mommy. Braxton is such a blessings.
What is he up to these days
He is in the 1st grade and loving every minute of it, but is glad when Mommy picks him up everyday. He is ready to come home.
He plays baseball like he is in the pros and soon will be starting basketball and he loves playing sports so much, as soon as we get home from school he starts playing and telling me that he has to practice.
We have not took him to the doctor for his check up, I can not wait to see how tall he is and how much he weighs. He is getting so big each and everyday.
Braxton, I could not have wished for a better 1st born. U are my world my whole life and I am so thankful to say I am your MOMMY.....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day 2010

The Parker's Labor Day 2010 was calm and we did nothing at all. Sunday we day a busy day but other than that we did nothing but enjoy time at home. Sunday we went to church that morning and this was the 1st time I had took the kids with me to this new church I started going to.Here the boys before we left the house!!!

 Me and Nicks mom have been going for three weeks and really love it. The kids most Saturaday nights spend the night with Nicks dad and they take them to church with them Sunday morning so me and Nicks mom just go to church together. I use to go to use where Nicks dad goes but I am so happy at the new church. It is a bigger church but I am ok with that. They have so much for my kids to do and get involved with. I really can not wait. Well, most of the morning before church while I was getting ready and getting them all ready I was worried cause they really have only been to that one church and Nicks dad is over the nursery so they all just stay with him. So I was upset cause they all were going to have to go into different classes and with all new people they knew no one. (I am always worried about this because I know how I felt and really how I still feel going somewhere where I dont know anyone. I am like a social werido) Anyways all morning being worried I just had to keep praying. And once the nicest lady showed use where each of there classes were, 1st we took Brooklyn AWESOME. She just walked right in the room and said I play. I mean really this is my tiny baby girl. I was sad she didnt cry after Mommy. But then again I was so happy. Then it was Brennon which just right across the hall from Brooklyn's class room, I liked that. Brennon went and sat down on the rug with the rest of the kids and I said love you and have fun. That is it for him and now for Braxton we had to go upstairs... I was ok with him going cause he leaves me everyday for school... Ummm no he was the one that almost cried and hurt me the most.. I told him where we were going the he went in. I hurt I wanted to cry. I know I know I really baby my kids. But they are my everything my whole world. Well after we dropped all three kids off we were walking back downstairs and the lady showing us where the classes were invited us to a picnic that afternoon. Then we went to service. I really feel bad now cause I dont think I remember anything from the message. I was worried about my kids. And I was so ready to go back and get all three of them. Well, Braxton 1st and he said he had a good time, then I got Brennon and Nicks mom got Brooklyn. Brennon made a cute picture and got a acorn and he was so excited and Brooke comes walking out like she owns the place and she also had a paper plate that she had made. I WAS THE MOST EXCITED MOMMY THERE
I am pretty sure I was compare that to Braxtons 1st day of Kindergarten. I am really not sure why it got to me so much but it did and now I cant wait to take them back. So we went and ate at McDonalds right afterand here is Miss Prissy playing

After we ate we came back home so I could get some sleep, you know working 3rd shift gets to u when u got things you need to do during the day and I should be sleep cause I have to work again that night. Anyways, I set my alarm so I could get up and we could go to the picnic. At the picnic they roped off the parking lot so kids could bring riding toys and play. We took Braxton bike and Brennon a tricycicle and Brooke one as well even thou she cant ride it. The kids had a blast. Finally time to eat and we all ate and then the boys played some more then it was time to leave. Poor Brooke didnt wanna leave. While we were eating there was a man sitting in front of us (me, Braxton, Brennon, Brooklyn and Becky (Nicks mom)) and he just kept telling me how good my kids were. I am pretty sure I felt so amazing. I was so so proud of my wonderful kiddos. Then it was back home to wind down for the night. So, needless to say we have a pretty awesome Sunday. Then Monday Labor day we didnt do anything since I had worked the night before and really layed around most of the time. So I hope everyone had a blessed Labor day weekend. This week we have no plans at all. Braxton is out of school today too for Labor day, so we will just enjoy our time together. Well, me and Nick both will be working..... God Bless

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Brooklyn Renee

I am a little late but here we go....
I really can not believe that I am really typing this post. I remember when she was just born and me first seeing her with all the tubes and wires everywhere. And now she has gotten so so big.. She is talking more and more everyday and doing everything.

We just had here party on Saturday and it was just a real small party. We only invited grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. One of my really good friends brought a watersleide so all the kids had a blast.

This is Brooklyn on her 1st birthday

And here is she on her 2nd Birthday

Here are just some other pictures from her party

                                  Here she is coming down the slide and her Wormie waiting to catch her
                                              Look at Brennon he is always so happy
                                                              And my big man
Happy Birthday Brooklyn
Mommy loves you very much and I am so blessed to have you in my life

Monday, August 2, 2010

I have been working so so much lately. It is starting to get kinda old. but you gotta do whatever it takes to make money these days. Today me and the kids had a awesome day outside, plus Nick got off early so that is always a wonderful thing. Around noon my brother brought his little boy over to play with the boys, they had a blast. As soon as Nick got home I came inside to take a nap. Working 3rd shift is hard. But I think I am finally getting use to it somewhat. Wow it is August. I can not believe that summer is pretty much over and it is time for Braxton to go back to school. Makes me kinda sad. Not sure which one makes me sadder that he is going into the first grade or that he will not be here with us during the day anymore. I love being here with them even thou when I am relaxing from staying up all night and they are wild I still enjoy them so so much. With that I have the best kids ever and I just enjoy every second of being a mommy....
With us moving Braxton will be going to a new school. I hate it cause he already had friends with the other school. I know with him being so young it will not take him no time to make new ones but it still gets to me. He will be going to the I went to from Kindergarten to 8th grade, it will be Westside. They have so many new teachers I dont even know how his teacher will be. I am hoping that we get lucky like we did last year and he gets a awesome teacher.  Well my shift is over and it is early in the morning and I am off to bed. I hope everyone has a awesome and blessed Monday.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


I am entering a contest at the Desgin girls blog.... Anyone interested hop over and enter to win yourself

Good luck to all 

Check it Out

we are so so slow at work tonight so I got the time to update my blog...
It is all new.. Please leave comments and let me knoww hat you think

busy busy life I have had

Wow I have tons to update so I guess i will get right into that.........
WE MOVED, I am so happy to say that, we moved a few weeks ago and are finally starting to get settled in. We actually moved into the house I grew up in. I lived in this house for 20 years before my parents got a divorce and then I meet Nick. Well needless to say we are so much happier here. We have tons of more room, Brooklyn never had a room at our other house so it was awesome to be able to get her a room with all her things and mommy get to decorate it all girly. She is really loving her new room and sometimes she does not even want the boys to go in her room, she will scream NOOOOOO. I just love it. We sure do have a little girl with lots of attitude (I have no idea where she could get that from)... Well, with the up coming months we have all the kids birthdays coming up. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH madness. I am excited but I dont really wanna have a party but for my babies I will do it. First will be Brooklyn's she will be turning two on the 9th of August and I am having her party on the 14th. So I will be blogging about that soon.
My boys are getting so big it is really freaking me out. Braxton will be 6 and the things he does just amazes me. When school starts back which it will in a few weeks, he will be going into the 1st grade. I am alittle worried cause he will be going to a new school but I hope everything works out for my baby. We went tonight and signed him up for fall ball in baseball and he was really excited. He just loves playing and I love watching him so that is a win win for us. While we were there we asked Brennon and he said he did not want to play :( I was hoping that he would wanna play as well but he said no and we didnt say anything else about it. In the new house the boys are still sharing a room and they wouldnt have it any other way. They really enjoy being in the same room. They have gotten really close over the summer, Brennon will be sad when Braxton goes back to school. Well me and Nick are still just mainly working. I am working 9pm till 530am. I am really loving working from home and getting to see the kids still during the day. I dont really get that much sleep but I am getting use to it. I am making it so it is all good. Nick moved inside Verizon he now works for the Tech support team and so far he is really liking it. We are really blessed that we both have jobs and not only just jobs but jobs that we really enjoy. I am really wanting to change my blog background and do a header but where do I get the time. I am putting that on my to-do list so we will see if it gets done or not. I almost wanna pay someone to do it. :) I am really lazy....... Well I guess that is all the updates for now I am going to try and post some pictures soon. I hope everyone has a blessed Saturday....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

long time no blog

Yes it feels wonderful to finally be back in the world of blogging.. I have really missed it. Well, guess you are wondering what all we have been doing???? Well, I started work, I am working from home for Home Shopping Network. I am a sales rep and I am really enjoying being able to work from home. I am still in the training process, and so far so good... I love being able to get up and go to work in my pjs. Now it cant get any better than that, also I never have to drive any where I get to stay at home. Well, that is enough on me, the kids are doing wonderful. Braxton is now a big boy he graduated from Kindergarten... I am so proud of him. He is such a great little man... So he is on summer break and loving every minute of it. Perks not having to get up every morning and and big one for him is he is getting to stay up later at night and has been sleeping in the living room... Brennon oh my little Benny since I have been working he has been staying with Nicks mom alot and also with my sister n law more as well. So he is really enjoying that. He is also glad that he is getting to see Braxton and my brothers little boy Austin more now that school is out. They are going to have a awesome summer together. Then Brooklyn is just growing more and more everyday, I can not believe that my baby is fixing to be 2 years old.. And for real it is hitting home for me cause she is our tiny little baby and will always be. No more kids for us, now me and Nick are looking forward to watching all three of them growing up.. So I guess that is it for the kids and plan on trying to stay with the blogging world I am not sure how well that will work with me working now and all the things we have going on but I will def try.

My litte baseball player

Mommys handsome little blue eyed boy

I can not believe my baby can be this be

Look at the Diva

Smiling for Daddy
Braxton singing and dancing

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

True Love Waits

The title says it all a few Sundays ago Nicks sister (Ashley) finish the class. True love waits where she vowed that she will wait till she is married and finds her true love. So I am so super proud of her.. I was sitting with her mom which is Nicks step mom and we both we crying. I am so bless to be a part of this. Ashley I love you and am so so proud of you....


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break day 2 plus pictures

Brooke after spending the day with Mommy, 
while the boys were with Papa

I just love her smile!!!!!!

My boys they are so much fun right now!!!! This is them after a birthday party we went to and they got new sunglasses

I am really slow with updating but I am trying.... These are the most recent pictures I have took of the kids... Today it was warmer but still not really Spring like weather but it is getting there. So, we are super lazy all day. We got up and layed around then took a nap then got up and I am cooking supper right now and I am already looking forward to bedtime.... Love days where we all just stay in our Pjs all day. Tomorrow will be busy so I am making sure we dont do anything today. Tomorrow Nick will work then he is off for two days. At 2pm Braxton has ball practice then at 6pm Brennon has ball practice plus we have choir practice and bible study group at church so I am hope I get them to everything but we will see how it all goes.... I really need to make a trip to Walmart today but yeah right that is not going to happen.  Well, I guess I better go and finish supper.. We are having Barbque chicken, mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes... Yummy, I am getting so hungry just smelling it cooking, boys are cleaning their room now so hoping it stays that way for the rest of the night but most likely they will be doing it again right before bed. I hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday and A blessed Wednesday!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring Break week

Things are been great around here, I have been so lazy and just have not posted in a very long time. This week is Spring Break and we woke up to some snow, wow crazy TN weather. I think it is going to warm up and be that way for a while so I am praying that Spring time weather will be here to stay. Well, I have been so so busy. I have done like 8 loads of laundry and finally almost done and got everything put and hung up and all rooms cleaned. Dishes done kids had bath and now we are just waiting for bedtime. I am going to bed early tonight. Dancing with stars started tonight and I am recording it but have not started watching it yet. I might curl up on the couch and watch it but dont really know yet.  Well these two are the reasons I wanted to watch the show... I always loved Jon and Kate plus 8 and I really loved the Bachleor this season. So we will see how things go!!!!!!

ok changing the subject but Brooklyn is standing right beside me and she just did this so I have to tell....
Ok so last night after church we had a supper and they had barbque well I look over and Brooke is trying to stick it up her nose, and she will not leave her nose alone after that so I keep wiping it and then I let her down to walk around all she was maybe like 5 feet from me and she sneezed and YES out came barbque... What for real she really had some up her nose, well I just thought it was a one time thing and we went one, well today at lunch they boys were having popcorn and she did it again and again she sneezed it out. Well, just a few mins ago she was standing beside me and she had a paper and was just talking up a storm... Like she was reading it, it was so so cute. I started to blog and then there she goes again, mama NOSE.. That is what she says to me. And she had put paper up her nose. I do not understand why all of a sudden she wants to start sticking things up her nose. I am worried that it is going to be something bad and I will have to take her to the dr.. Lord she has gone crazy!!! Well, I thought you all might get a good laugh of that... Only me and my babies right!!!!
Boys have been playing ball and doing great but wow it is keeping me busy and will only get worse from here on out. I am really enjoying it cause it gives us something to do besides just sit at home. Well, just got all three kids in the bed so I am going to watching my shows I have recorded. Have a blessed Tuesday and I am planning on posting again tomorrow with all the pictures.....


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Baseball has started

I had the best night ever... I loved spending my Friday night with Nick and kids at the ball field...  The boys had a blast and so did me and Nick. This was our 1st time and man was it fun. So we have tons of practice and games coming. We had dinner with some old friends and it was awesome to see her and her family. Then today it was so so pretty here, it was like 65 so we spent the day at Grammy's (Nicks mom) and then I brought my brothers little boy home with us (Austin) So I have a full house tonight and I wouldnt have it any other way. The boys have been awesome tonight..... I am just waiting on hubby to get off work and come home. Tomorrow we have a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. I am excited because it is for the old friend (Britney) little girl she is having her 2nd birthday party. Well, this coming two weeks will just be us going to ball practice and spending the rest of the time at home.. Trying to save some money.... I am really looking forward to April... the Easter bunny is coming!!!!!!
Then we might be moving yeah I said it, we are moving again.... Well, this time is well I would like to say for good, but I dont really know. But I will say we will be here for a while. Well, the house is special to me cause it is where I grew up and lived until I got married to Nicholas....... And also Nicks mom and my daddy live on same land, so the kids will love living close to Grammy and Pa. I am super excited to live close to Grammy again. So we will see how things work out, right now my brother and sister are living there. But they got offered the best thing ever. A rent to own house that they love so they are hoping first of April they will be able to move in. Right now I can hear the boys talking to each other, not wanting to go to sleep, they want to keep playing. They are talking about what they are going to do as soon as they wake up... Its time like these that are priceless.. I love it!!!!!

Yay I got my signature back!!!!!! Took me a while with getting a new computer but I finally did it and I just love it!!!!!!!!

Benny after his 1st tee ball practice

Bubba right before his 1st coach pitch practice

My sexy Husband getting us gas before we head to another ball practice