Ah I said I was going to post again with what we were going to be doing and here I am.... I think I am getting into a routine and praying that I keep it up ;)
Well, Saturday we had a super busy day... I get off work at 630am so I knew we had plans so I didn't even try and go to bed I just stayed up and by 8am we had to head out the our Lions Club for a pancake breakfast with Papa {Nicks Dad} and when we got there, the kids got a surprise not only was Papa eating breakfast with us so was Santa and his wife... They were there and the boys could not believe it... It was awesome seeing the look on both of the boys face. And Brooklyn on the other hand umm yeah not a fan of Santa... So after we ate the boys went over to tell Santa what they were wanting him to bring them and I told sissy to go over there since "her boys" (this is what she tells everyone and walks around saying where my boys :)\ but she start screaming she was not liking it at all, she was screaming no mommy I need my Papa... So I went over there with her and Nick came along too. So yes we got a family picture with Santa... Again this year... Oh the joys of being a mommy.... And while I was still holding her she still was not liking being anywhere near him.. So after the picture was taken yes she went running to her Papa.... I looked at the picture and even thou we had to get in the picture it turned out awesome .. And then it was time to go so we went to Nicks dads house cause the day before they killed a pig and were making sausage... Yes yes nasty but he sells it and makes alot of money off of it... And man it sure is good as well.... we did that for almost 3 hours then it was time for what the boys had been waiting for... THE CHRISTMAS PARADE!!!!!
So we went downtown and waiting for a few mins then it came and the kids had a blast and I was a happy mommy seeing them running after candy and waving at all the people.. Priceless... Then yes I am still going at 1pm with NO SLEEP... My brothers wife was having her baby shower.. This was the 3rd time we have tried to have her a shower the 2 times before didn't ever work out cause at 25 weeks pregnant she was leaking fluid so they out her int he hospital for 5 days and watched her and baby Tinsley very close and after that they said that where she was leaking from had stopped and closed its self back up which was awesome news so they sent her home on strict bed rest..... So she is 28 weeks pregnant and we are just waiting now... Any ways so we finally had her aby shower at her house since she was on bed rest and it went great for who all got to come and finally at 5pm the hubby and kids were able to come and pick me up... And needless to say this Mommy was so past sleepy... We came right home and I went nowhere but right into my bed.... Well, that how our weekend went... We had a blast and are loving the holidays!!!!! 

And here we are with the big man and his wife
Chrsitmas 2010
Mom stop with all the pictures
pretty sure it doesnt get any cuter than this
This is Brennon waiting on Braxton to start singing for his
class room Christmas play at school
And Brooklyn waiting on her Bubba but ready for it to
be over so she could run around
Here is Braxton with his 1st grade class singing at the
Christmas play
Daddy and Brooklyn hanging out waiting forthe parade to come thru
Love this big guy so much
makes me sad seeing how big he is getting
Here is Braxton at the Parade
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