Here me and Nick were outside on the snow and we made a fire!!!

This is me and my baby as we know the snow!!!!!
Well, we finally got snow and the kids were so happy.....
Well, Brennon has not a good day today... He just cries in pain ever so often and there is nothing I can do for him. He has been in the bed since 6pm.. So that tells you that he doesnt feel good at all...
Brooke is getting the same sinus infection he is so I have been giving her meds too and she went to bed at 8pm and she seems to be feeling some better.. We will see how everyone feels tomorrow.. I just want my babies to get better. And it does not seem like that is working in my favor. Or I wish I could help them in some way... So Braxton went to Papas and played in the snow while Ben, Brooke and mommy stayed at home in the warm. Tonight my brother and sisternlaw came over and we played some cards.... Nick went to bed at 8pm and Braxton is still up watching tv, so I am the only one up and man is it nice to sit down here and someone not coming up to me going mommy mommy mommy.... I am drinking me some hot chocolate and fixing to take a hot bath, I dont think it gets any better than this.
Please pray for a close friend of mine today she got fired and it is over some drama. I just dont understand why bigs girls cant grow up, we are not in high school any more, you have a life and everyone else does too so worry about your own and not everyone elses... Well, I know Amy is to good for all that crap and she will find something better.....
Well, I guess that is it for the Parkers
Hope Brennon is feeling better!