Ok, for real I guess everything that goes on with my kids gives me something to always blog about, but I would really love just to be able to tell you about our day and what all we did, but that doesnt seem to be working that way. So here it is. Brooklyn finally getting over the rash (5th disease), so Saturday around 5pm we took the kids to Nicks dads house so when we left everyone was good, well I picked them up Sunday and we went to see Nicks mom since we were in Woodbury, and so I was outside talking to my brother and April, and Brooke was down with Grammy in her house. So it was getting late so we were getting ready to leave so I go to her house she asked me if I had seen this place on Brookes leg and I said yeah she kinda has a diaper rash and the dr saw it and just said destin would help it. No this place was on her leg and I looked at it and as soon as I seen it I knew what it was. Yeah my family has staph.... And sure enough Brooke has got it now. Nick had surgery on his shoulder a year ago and this is how he got it then a little later Brennon got it and now a year later Brooke has got it. So 1st thing this morning after taking Braxton to school I call the dr knowing that our normal dr was on vacation, so I was like ok we just to be seen by anyone. And yep that is what my baby has, so the doc cut it open and drained it. Yes it was so so painful for her. I have seen this done to Nick several times and man I wanted to cry seeing it happen to him so here I was holding my princess down and it being done to her, so this was so so hard for me to do. Anyways after that he told me what I needed to do and called in her some meds. So, after this I went and got BRaxton from school and we had to take Nicks mom (Grammy) to Clarksville to a friends house that had alot of things for her since her house fire. So we went and came back and I met her friend for the 1st time and she was the nicest lady ever, she was so awesome and I dont guess she has any kids so she has 2 dogs and they are her kids. They have a bedroom and everything she works from home and on the side soes alot of monogrammed so you got I am going to get things together so she can monogram them and I am suoer excited... I will post pics later.. of the things I get done. Brennon seems to be being some better but still having headaches so we are really hoping theses meds stop them for good. Braxton has been to school and doing good, some mornings he wants to cry when I drop him but he is all good. And is so happy when we pick him up everyday. So a have exciting news Nick is off till Sunday, yep thats right does not go back to work for 5 days and I am so happy. Braxton is out of school Friday for inservice so we are going to have a family day and go do something. Well, I guess that is about it. We got a full size bed for the boys so I am really hoping they start sleeping upstairs in the big bed, right now both of them are laying in our floor on thier bed. I guess that is better than them being in the bed with us like Braxton use to be. So thats a plus. So, now for real I am done. Prayer request...
Traci she is home and hopfully doing good there I have not talked to her in a few days.
My grandmother was in the hospital over the weekend and is now in a rehab center so pray she gets healed fast...
For my family and money I guess not just my family but almost everybodys now days.........
GoodNight and and a Blessed Tuesday.....
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