I was going to post last night but I am laying in the bed and Nick was like I have a headache will you please turn the light and the computer off... uhh are you for real, so yep I did. So here I am tonight laying in the bed before Nick gets off. So today was beyond lazy.... wait our weekend was good... I can say great cause I had the weekend at home alone to get some cleaning done.. So Friday night we all went to the Celebration and had a great time. When time to leave the kids went home with Nicks dad and stepmom. So I called to pick them up Saturday afternoon and nope they were tkaing them to the horse show again and you know what I didnt argue with him. So, stayed at home and done some major cleaning. Then Nick got off and we went to bed. So Sunday he had to work again and I had to finish doing laundry. So, I had the hwole house super clean and almost all the laundry done and I was like uhh no kids here I should go and mow the yard, so man I just got everything done. So, after that I came in done more laundry took shower and went to tan then to Walmart for a few things. While I was checking out Nick called and he had got off work early. YAY!!!! So, I came home unloaded what I bought then me and him went to Woodbury to pick the kids up that I cound not get there fast enough I really missed my babies.... So, then today Braxton went to school, and me and Brenn and Brooke were super lazy cause I already had everything done around here. So, around 11 we went on a walk then came home and took a nap. So after Nick came home for his lunch me and the boys done yard work. Nick had trimmed trees around the house so we picked everything up. Then we heard the ice cream truck and we never saw him could only hear the music. So the boys are standing at the end of the drive way. So after sitting there for almost 10 mins I asked them if they wanted to walk to Cason Lane school so they could play on the playground for a little while and you know they took off running. So on a walk we went again. We went to the school and they played and on our way walking back to the house we stopped the ice cream truck.... So, by the time we got home the ice cream was all gone and it was time for three sticky kids to get in the bathtub. So after bath it was time to start getting ready for bed and here we are..... Well, tomorrow Nick is off but I think he is going to work with his dad but I am not for sure. So we will see. I know I have a few things to get done around the house..... So, I hope everyone had a great Monday. Please say a prayer for Traci, like she has not been thru enough she got pick back int he hospital. I think she is home now and still pray for her. I am hoping we meet Wed. Goodnight and enjoy a few pics for today....
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