Today was a really good day, the 1st part of the morning we were lazy which is ok to do sometimes right.... Anyways so we finally got up and moving but still didnt do anything until it was time to go pick Braxton up at school. So after that we had a hair appt. Which praise the lord the boys hair so super long. And I needed a color BAD> So, in order for me to get my hair done with three kids is Nicks mom met me @ the hair salon and we got the boys hair done then she took all 3 back to her house in my truck. So I enjoyed my time alone getting my hair done. Tomorrow I am really looking forward too. Well, Nick is off but is working some ovetime but only for 4 hours. Then after Braxton gets out of school its all FAMILY. I think we are going to take the kids to the celebration. Nicks dad has a box that they get every hear, and I really enjoy going but I think where Nick had to go with he was little he is over it. But Braxton loves it and now that Brennon is older I think he will love it too. So I have been laying in the bed since 8pm. and it is now 1125pm...... I cant go to sleep. So here I am my favorite thing to do is BLOG. not only blogging myself but I also love to read blogs... I AM ADDICTED
Well, I am going to try and lay down now hopefully I can get some sleep... Here is the princess after bath and in her new Dora night gown. and this is in my bedroom and I went to the living room and tell the boys that sissy was done taking a bath and they needed to come get in and I went into my bathroom and found this after.......
so I had to run and get the camera again... I thought this was the cutest thing ever..... and also here is a pic after my hair appt today.

Well, first for two days I have been wondering if I wanted to keep my hair blonde or go back dark brown with highlights. So here I am after.... Hope you enjoy GOODNIGHT....

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
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