
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Its almost Santa time

So for some reason when I am trying to upload pictures on here it is kinda crazy. So, before when they would upload it would show me the pics in this area before I posted it, well, now it is only putting the code here and I am really not liking that.
Oh well, on to our week, well for the past few days I have done nothing and I mean nothing... So cleaning here and there, tonight we had Nicks mom and my dad over for dinner. So that was a very nice meal. In the morning Nicks dads is coming and picking Braxton up early for school and take him to get breakfast then to school. I just love Papa he is awesome.... Well, Friday we start our Christmas. Friday night we are having, my mom, step-dad, brother, sisnlaw and nephew over at our house... My mom got the grankids something but that is it. So really we are just enjoying the time together which is even better.... Nick was off today but had to work a full day with his dad, only cause we need extra money right now cause last night me and the kids went to Walmart and bought him his present.. We bought him a xbox 360 elite and he loves it. It is crazy how much money those things cost.
Braxton is so close to Christmas break and I cant wait... Friday is his last day and he only goes for 2 hrs for his party which we can go with him and then take him home... Well, I am loving my Christmas present I couldnt have asked for anything better, Daphney is just a wonderful puppy... But I am still loving my two big boxers they are girls too...
Oh news, Sissy is fixing to start walking.. We took her to the dr and they were not worried cause she was not walking yet said that it was normal for a baby that was 6 wks early. She told me that some preemies walk at 12 months but if not it is really nothing to worry about, plus she is mommys girl and I spoil her so so much she is super lazy just like me. After hearing all that from the Dr, really made me feel better cause I was like ok my baby is never going to walk... Well, I was told not to worry or saying anything cause she will walk when she wants too and is ready. And man she turned 16 months old and like all of a sudden she has started talking like crazy.
I mean she is just so full of life and man does she love her daddy.. I am thinking about doing a post for and of her being 16 months old... But not tonight
Well, Brennon is good just wild and really doesnt want to listen to me and man does that drive me crazy.... Guess and really hoping he will grow out of this..
Funny thing, Braxton said mommy I want to change my name to Barack Obama, I mean out of nowhere he just came up to me and said that, the things kids hear and learn from school is just crazy but cute and funny at the sametime...Well, I guess that is all for now going to bed, boys are in the bed with us tonight not know why but man do I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mine did the same thing a while back with the photos...when you are posting something, right above preview there are two boxes, one says Edit HTML and the other one says Compose. Make sure you are clicked on to Compose. Edit HTML will just give the codes and not the pictures. Hope this helps!
