
Friday, January 1, 2010

Waited as long as possible

Well, I am going to have a hard time with this post. So, if you been reading my blog you know about Brennon already having Mirgrianes and has to take meds daily to control them. Well, I took him for his three year old check up and the Dr and I were talking and Brennon has these pains at night some times. I mean they are bad pains to where mommy and daddy can do nothing to help him.. Which as for us that is so hard. Well, the doctor said that since he has other health problems then she wanted to run test. Just to make sure.. So we did and I got a call on New Years Eve. Which I thought was crazy cause the office was closed but she still called me. Well, all she said was that first thing Monday morning I need to call and make a appt. they need to run more test on him. Well, she didnt say anything about the results of the test they already ran. So, I am worried now. I feel like something is wrong. I can not stop thinking about it. And I have been doing alot of thinking, he gets a random fever alot and I wonder if that has anything to do with what he has going on, or am I just being a crazy mom. I just dont now what to o, say anything, I feel like I am on auto pilot. Like I am just here. Well, today I have been cleaning most of the day trying to keep busy so I wouldnt think about the different things that could be going on with him. So, tonight I went to Walmart alone just me. So, me being the truck alone I turned the radio off and it was just me and The Lord. I cried.... It is actually a good time for me. It helped me alot to get that out. So, as of then I gave it all to the Lord, it is hard but I know that he will only do what is best for my family. He is in control, all the time no matter what. So, as I go to sleep tonight please say a prayer tonight for Brennon and our family.....

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